Without an end goal in mind, where are you left?

Let us tackle some questions here… If you don’t know what you’re aiming for in life, where do you think you’ll end up? If you don’t set something in place for the future, where will your future lie? If we push our abilities from where we are now into a place of growth, potential andContinue reading “Without an end goal in mind, where are you left?”

December is upon us!

Christmas songs are playing all over the radio. The glimmering lights fill the streets. The time to be jolly is surrounding us quicker than we can say Santa’s-coming-from-the-north-pole! Which also means it’s a time for giving, and a time for appreciation as we accept gifts from others who have thought about us. We live inContinue reading “December is upon us!”

My learning curve of 2022

Yes, it really is another year over. 2022 has been the year of learning, for me. I have learnt 200x more things about myself than ever. Uploading my book reviews for the first time this year has been a highlight, but not everything has been as easy as filming videos and uploading them onto theContinue reading “My learning curve of 2022”

Implement change and GROW

I used to want to swap my life for someone else’s because I thought they had a better time living than I did. It wasn’t until I was 19 that I decided to change it and actually shaped it the way I wanted it. Its down to our decisions to become who we want, andContinue reading “Implement change and GROW”

You are MORE than your label

Some people end up defining themselves with maybe the location that they live or the education that they have. These people BELIEVE that they ARE the same as the label that they attach to themselves. If someone thinks that they are poor, it means that they go on believing for the rest of their lifeContinue reading “You are MORE than your label”

Don’t Live For Fridays

We spend two thirds of our life at work, which is equal to 66% of our entire life. Our job impacts the choices that we make on a daily basis, such as the happiness for our life, and how we react to the situations outside of work. If you look forward to Friday, where youContinue reading “Don’t Live For Fridays”

Why you SHOULDN’T follow the crowd

A lot of people ask why i’m so positive in life, and I suppose it all stems from my old negative self and getting fed up with feeling that way. But WHY was I negative? It was all because of my surroundings. The people around me drummed in their attitudes and opinions about things whichContinue reading “Why you SHOULDN’T follow the crowd”

Why you are NOT living the life you want

If you’re not living the life you want to live, then you have to ask yourself.. What is it that’s actually stopping you? I find that so many people don’t want to go after the things they really want because they’re scared of chasing it. And they don’t feel like they’d be good enough toContinue reading “Why you are NOT living the life you want”

You CAN capture greatness

Anyone who knows me will know I was the complete opposite of what I am today. I used to be shy, reliant on others and extremely quiet. I even got in a panic when opportunity showed itself. Fortunately I’ve been lucky enough to get myself out of this. But it has been one heck ofContinue reading “You CAN capture greatness”

Do you seize the day?

Are you making opportunities for your own life, or do you wait for them to spring out of thin air? Opportunities come and go. You have to be willing to do anything in order to make them happen for you, even if you don’t know what else may fall behind it. Take opportunities when theyContinue reading “Do you seize the day?”