The Puzzle of Life: Lessons Learned Piece by Piece

For Christmas, Amy bought me a puzzle. She knows I’m a big fan of David Bowie, so of course, when she laid eyes on a very unique “Where’s Bowie” puzzle, she could not resist getting it for me. Recently, we got it out one Saturday to begin putting the pieces together. And I was thinkingContinue reading “The Puzzle of Life: Lessons Learned Piece by Piece”

Trusting Your Gut: Navigating Life with Intuition

Today I went to view a car to purchase. Nothing fancy, but some new wheels that will get me to work and back. And there was something I felt inside me when viewing it that told me I shouldn’t buy it. That was my gut instinct. What is gut instinct and why does it knowContinue reading “Trusting Your Gut: Navigating Life with Intuition”

Experience life while you HAVE the chance!

Some people out here are acting like they live twice. They do pointless activities such as flicking through the TV channels, rather than turning it off entirely and using that time to go out of their way to EXPERIENCE something new in life. I’m a massive believer on investing my time into trying new thingsContinue reading “Experience life while you HAVE the chance!”

Desire vs Entitlement… What’s the difference?

If you watch or read my content regularly, you’d know that I say a lot that you can have whatever you want in life. You may of also heard me say that you’re entitled to none of it, so don’t act like you deserve it. These may sound like they contradict each other, but letContinue reading “Desire vs Entitlement… What’s the difference?”

The man who sold (bad news to) the world

Did the title grab your attention? Just because I’ve ripped off a David Bowie track title, you can be sure that it’s nothing to do with him. The “man” in question is the media. Every single day we get bogged down by the headlines and news articles that we read, and it is hurting usContinue reading “The man who sold (bad news to) the world”

Is your music playlist affecting your emotions?

A friend of mine overheard my music play list a couple days ago, and knowing what he listened to, I knew instantly what he meant when he mentioned it… He said “wow.. The music you listen to is so upbeat.” My reply to him was, “of course it is.. Haha.. I look for fresh soundsContinue reading “Is your music playlist affecting your emotions?”

ROAD RAGE … Where does it spiral from?

Road rage – where does it spiral from? It almost comes down to a hatred of not understanding what someone else is thinking. Because you may be uncertain of someone else’s choices to act how they have, and you may not like uncertainty, I could put you in a situation where you just feel angerContinue reading “ROAD RAGE … Where does it spiral from?”

Spend time ALONE

I think it’s super important to spend more time with yourself. Many people don’t actually like being alone, and are afraid to be left alone with their own thoughts, which is why they’d rather hang around with a bad crowd, or date someone who isn’t right for them, JUST because they don’t want to be aloneContinue reading “Spend time ALONE”

Are YOU entitled? Did mum or dad pay for it?

People who are faking the illusion of “looking” successful at 25, 29 or 34 are losing long term, just because they want to perceive an image of themselves. We’re being allowed by banks to have this money from credit cards and using it to “look” successful, but being financially burdened with all this debt thatContinue reading “Are YOU entitled? Did mum or dad pay for it?”

Comfort zones keep you STUCK

The more that you begin to appreciate life, the less bullshit that you tolerate that’s not making you happy. We all tolerate the crap that we go through each day just because we think it’s bearable. We understand that if we can put up with it for a reasonable amount of time, then we justContinue reading “Comfort zones keep you STUCK”