The birthday gift that KEEPS on giving!

My nephew’s birthday is coming up and he is going to be… either 11 or 12. Anyway, that’s besides the point as there is a story behind this that I want to tell you. Ricky Gervais, the comedian, actor, writer, director once said that… he grew up on a council estate where he couldn’t haveContinue reading “The birthday gift that KEEPS on giving!”

Boost your productivity & kill procrastination

How do we boost our productivity? Let’s think about that question for a minute. Remember when you got given homework on Friday to be handed in on Monday? You’d end up doing it on Sunday evening, because you KNEW that you had a deadline. So when we look at our goals or the tasks weContinue reading “Boost your productivity & kill procrastination”

Human life has NO meaning

Life as we know it has no explanation to why we are here. We have been given this gift, through no fault of our own, and we haven’t asked to be put on this earth, which is why I think a lot of people question if there is a meaning to life. We are ableContinue reading “Human life has NO meaning”

Don’t Live For Fridays

We spend two thirds of our life at work, which is equal to 66% of our entire life. Our job impacts the choices that we make on a daily basis, such as the happiness for our life, and how we react to the situations outside of work. If you look forward to Friday, where youContinue reading “Don’t Live For Fridays”

We can ALL feel anxiety – How to deal with it

We all feel anxious from time to time and it doesn’t matter how headstrong you are because even the most confident people can still feel anxious. You need to accept that you cannot physically control your surroundings. If you worry about every detail, you are going to go into overthinking which will trigger worry, (andContinue reading “We can ALL feel anxiety – How to deal with it”

Is Netflix manipulating you?

Most people end up wasting their time by binge watching on TV or binge watching on box sets like Breaking Bad. It’s bad enough that we don’t know what to do with our time, but we are now being told by adverts to sit and watch or binge watch these programs. You are only makingContinue reading “Is Netflix manipulating you?”

KFC wouldn’t exist without resilience

At the age of 5 his father died. at the age of 16, he quit school and had already lost 4 jobs. At the Age of 18, he got married. between 18 and 22 he was a railroad conductor and he failed at it. He then join the army but he wasn’t good enough.. soContinue reading “KFC wouldn’t exist without resilience”


I run a Twitter account and an Instagram account for posting my motivational quotes to help people realise their full potential. With a following that’s growing daily, more people are realising that the nonsense that I come up with is actually for their own benefit. I actually get messages online saying how it keeps themContinue reading “Turn WORDS into ACTIONS”

Other people SHOULDN’T dictate YOUR feelings

Have you ever done something exciting or something that other people would be afraid of doing, such as a bungee jump or skydiving, and you don’t feel affected by the same fears or emotions like they would? Some would be put off by the idea of freefall from an aeroplane, but it doesn’t bother you…Continue reading “Other people SHOULDN’T dictate YOUR feelings”

The EASY way isn’t always the RIGHT way

It’s easier to complain about that terrible job that you have, than it is to apply for a new one. It’s easier to keep going too fast food restaurants than it is to cook a decent healthy meal for yourself. It’s easier to stay with your current untrustworthy partner than it is to go outContinue reading “The EASY way isn’t always the RIGHT way”