The Power of Kindness: Small Acts, Big Impact

In a world filled with negativity, a simple act of kindness can make a big difference. Kindness has the power to bring joy, create connections, and spread positivity. Let’s explore how even the smallest acts of kindness can have a lasting impact on people and communities. The Butterfly Effect of Kindness: Just like a smallContinue reading “The Power of Kindness: Small Acts, Big Impact”

Christmas is nearly here! What does that mean?

Christmas is nearly here! What does that mean? It means that Christmas is the time of year where we get to see the family, exchange presents, and have a joyous time celebrating goodwill and being thankful. But also a time to remember those who aren’t lucky enough to be with us. To share ideas andContinue reading “Christmas is nearly here! What does that mean?”

December is upon us!

Christmas songs are playing all over the radio. The glimmering lights fill the streets. The time to be jolly is surrounding us quicker than we can say Santa’s-coming-from-the-north-pole! Which also means it’s a time for giving, and a time for appreciation as we accept gifts from others who have thought about us. We live inContinue reading “December is upon us!”

Your focus is wrong

I think too many people focus on the wrong things in life. They focus on the loans they can take out so they can then buy a car that will try and express who they are, or the brand of clothes they wear, as they want this identity that they THINK is going to makeContinue reading “Your focus is wrong”

Break your negative patterns

We have to begin breaking patterns when we see ourselves thinking in a damaging way. When we think in a damaging way, we carry on self-destructing our self-esteem and our confidence, so when we catch out these moments, we can break this cycle.  It’s easier to follow a negative pattern than it is to change the patternContinue reading “Break your negative patterns”

YOU could have the cure that everyone is looking for!

  It’s interesting to think how we are making history each and every day that we live, but we can still look back on a time where others once were. Stonehenge for example, (at this time of writing…) still holds the mystery of how it came about and only theories rest on the tale ofContinue reading “YOU could have the cure that everyone is looking for!”

Human life has NO meaning

Life as we know it has no explanation to why we are here. We have been given this gift, through no fault of our own, and we haven’t asked to be put on this earth, which is why I think a lot of people question if there is a meaning to life. We are ableContinue reading “Human life has NO meaning”

You are MORE than your label

Some people end up defining themselves with maybe the location that they live or the education that they have. These people BELIEVE that they ARE the same as the label that they attach to themselves. If someone thinks that they are poor, it means that they go on believing for the rest of their lifeContinue reading “You are MORE than your label”

Don’t Live For Fridays

We spend two thirds of our life at work, which is equal to 66% of our entire life. Our job impacts the choices that we make on a daily basis, such as the happiness for our life, and how we react to the situations outside of work. If you look forward to Friday, where youContinue reading “Don’t Live For Fridays”

Why you SHOULDN’T follow the crowd

A lot of people ask why i’m so positive in life, and I suppose it all stems from my old negative self and getting fed up with feeling that way. But WHY was I negative? It was all because of my surroundings. The people around me drummed in their attitudes and opinions about things whichContinue reading “Why you SHOULDN’T follow the crowd”