“It’s Okay to Be Not Okay”: Embracing Vulnerability and Finding Strength

In a society that often glorifies strength and positivity, we sometimes forget that it’s perfectly okay to not be okay. Dan Reynolds from Imagine Dragons wrote a song with that same title and that’s what inspired today’s post. We all face struggles, challenges, and moments of vulnerability. Embracing our true emotions and acknowledging our painContinue reading ““It’s Okay to Be Not Okay”: Embracing Vulnerability and Finding Strength”

My learning curve of 2022

Yes, it really is another year over. 2022 has been the year of learning, for me. I have learnt 200x more things about myself than ever. Uploading my book reviews for the first time this year has been a highlight, but not everything has been as easy as filming videos and uploading them onto theContinue reading “My learning curve of 2022”