The birthday gift that KEEPS on giving!

My nephew’s birthday is coming up and he is going to be… either 11 or 12. Anyway, that’s besides the point as there is a story behind this that I want to tell you. Ricky Gervais, the comedian, actor, writer, director once said that… he grew up on a council estate where he couldn’t haveContinue reading “The birthday gift that KEEPS on giving!”

“A Little Happier” by Derren Brown BOOK REVIEW!

I don’t usually do written book reviews, but this one I felt was one that needed one to help me get the full points across and to explain why I chose this as one of my books that everyone should read to help you through life. So here we go! A little happier, by DerrenContinue reading ““A Little Happier” by Derren Brown BOOK REVIEW!”

Busyness IS a form of laziness

Catchy title, right? Well let me explain. I truly believe that busyness IS a form of laziness. This thought occurred to me when I was telling a friend about how many hours I consume books or audiobooks. She said “How on earth do you find the time to read or listen to so many books?”Continue reading “Busyness IS a form of laziness”

Being mindful DOESN’T have to involve meditation

Mindfulness isn’t about meditation, but it’s all about educating yourself by reading and informing your brain with the knowledge in books. The ones that have helped me change the way I think most are in the self-help category. Even if you don’t enjoy reading… It doesn’t matter. You still have to get there by pickingContinue reading “Being mindful DOESN’T have to involve meditation”