Christmas is nearly here! What does that mean?

Christmas is nearly here! What does that mean?

It means that Christmas is the time of year where we get to see the family, exchange presents, and have a joyous time celebrating goodwill and being thankful. But also a time to remember those who aren’t lucky enough to be with us. To share ideas and thoughts on those who can’t be there in person, but can be there in spirit.

I know I always talk about it but… Our sense of gratitude takes us to leaps and bounds to which we should look at life with a wider eye, the bigger picture if you will.

When we stand close to a painting, we see the detail of one minor aspect of the painting, but when we step back, we can view the whole image as it was meant to be seen. 

Gratitude is the same. We can feel an enormous sense of gratitude in small forms, just like when you stand close to that painting. But when we zoom out, the smaller things in life you feel grateful for make up the whole picture. When we can have this love and warmth within our everyday feelings, it makes each and every day worth the journey of the unknown. 

Our ability to spread our emotion from anger, sadness, and negativity can be dismantled when we accept more gratitude in our life. This then gives us more love, happiness and contentment for how lucky we are to be in this very moment, living a life that’s 400 trillion to 1. (I still can’t wrap my head around those odds!)

This Christmas, some will receive gifts and smiles. Others will be given bad news and tragedy. But with a small ounce of optimism for the future, we can direct ourselves into a better place. We can have a glimmer of hope, and sprinkled with determination along with willpower to pull through whatever it is that’s burdened you, all you’ve got to remember is…. It’s temporary.

You won’t be there forever. And neither will we. So zoom out, and expand on that thought. No matter what you face (good or bad), you can take a big step back with a smile on your face to see the bigger picture.

Don’t let bad news get your spirits down for long. You control your emotions. So don’t let them control you! It’s down to your decision to choose how you see the world from this point forward. You just have to be brave enough to explore those feelings and see where the ride takes you. 

Gratitude. Let it be your guiding light. And that truly is a gift that keeps on giving.


Merry Christmas – 2024! 


December is upon us!

Christmas songs are playing all over the radio. The glimmering lights fill the streets. The time to be jolly is surrounding us quicker than we can say Santa’s-coming-from-the-north-pole!

Which also means it’s a time for giving, and a time for appreciation as we accept gifts from others who have thought about us. We live in a world that the odds of living at this exact moment are so far away from our comprehension that we need this sort of time of year to become grateful for all that we have and all that we will go on to have.

As I talk lots on gratitude, it’s hard to put it any other way than to say how grateful we should be for the air that we breathe, the water that we drink and the food that we consume. It’s about forever reminding yourself of these moments to where we can share a thought and to think about how lucky we really are.

If life isn’t going your way, you know for sure that it is worse for someone else, no matter the situation. It was Jimmy Carr that once said (of all people) that self help books in the third world are called something else…. They call it firewood. And that’s something that I think about a lot. And it always retrieves my memories of tough times, and rough times to where I couldn’t see an end to it.

But there was.

Life improves with a little dose of gratitude. So for the next month, (until January) find something good in each day. If you can’t find anything good, then create good. Give to someone who needs a hand. Help those who don’t ask for help. Be the shining star that someone needs, and you’ll be sure to know that someone will (eventually) do the same for you too.


Rethinking Education: Embracing Self-Education for a Brighter Future

The traditional schooling system has long been a cornerstone of our society. However, as we step into the 21st century, it is becoming increasingly clear that this system is showing signs of being outdated. The world is changing rapidly, and our educational approach must adapt to empower individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. It’s time to explore the power of self-education and redefine how we acquire knowledge.
The Limitations of the Traditional Schooling System:
The conventional schooling system follows a standardised curriculum, focusing on memorisation, conformity, and one-size-fits-all teaching methods. Unfortunately, this approach often neglects individual interests, learning styles, and the development of critical thinking skills. Students are confined within the boundaries of textbooks and classroom walls, missing out on the wealth of knowledge and experiences beyond.
Embracing Self-Education:
Self-education, on the other hand, places the learner at the centre of their educational journey. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own learning, follow their passions, and pursue knowledge beyond the constraints of a formal institution. With the advent of technology and the internet, we now have access to a vast array of resources, online courses, and communities that facilitate self-education.
Nurturing Curiosity and Lifelong Learning:
Self-education fosters curiosity, a fundamental trait that fuels intellectual growth. By allowing individuals to explore their interests freely, it ignites a lifelong love for learning. When we pursue knowledge driven by our intrinsic motivation, we unlock our full potential and develop a genuine thirst for understanding the world around us.
Adapting to a Changing World:
The world is transforming at an unprecedented pace. Technological advancements, economic shifts, and societal changes are shaping the landscape we live in. To thrive in this dynamic environment, we need to cultivate adaptable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. Self-education empowers individuals to actively engage with real-world challenges, enabling them to navigate and contribute meaningfully to the society of tomorrow.
Unlocking Personalised Learning:
Every individual has unique strengths, passions, and learning styles. Self-education recognises and embraces these differences, allowing learners to tailor their educational experiences to suit their needs. Whether through online courses, mentorship programs, or hands-on projects, self-education enables personalised learning journeys that maximise individual growth and fulfilment.
While the traditional schooling system has served us well in the past, it is time to recognise its limitations and embrace a new paradigm of education. Self-education offers a path to lifelong learning, personalised growth, and adaptability in an ever-changing world. By encouraging individuals to become active architects of their own knowledge, we can usher in a future where education is not confined to classrooms but accessible to all, empowering individuals to pursue their passions and shape their own destinies. Let us embrace the power of self-education and embark on a transformative journey of knowledge, growth, and self-discovery.
If you enjoyed this, I hope you like my thoughts in VIDEO form too. Check out my YouTube channel, linked over on my page! Cheers

Beyond Printed Currency: Rethinking Money and Its Benefits

Humans have embraced money as a medium of exchange, distinguishing us from every other species you can think of. What other animals make up a currency and then base our life around it? Although animals may have alternative forms of exchange, it’s intriguing to consider how our monetary system evolved. Additionally, exploring ways to improve our current system can help us harness its potential for our benefit. But also could lead to danger.
The Gold Standard and Nixon’s Decision:
In the past, money was backed by tangible assets, typically gold. This backing ensured its value and limited the potential for unchecked inflation. However, in 1971, President Richard Nixon made a significant decision to detach the U.S. dollar from the gold standard, marking a pivotal shift in monetary policy. Since then, currencies have relied on trust in the issuing government and its economic stability.
Rethinking the Monetary System:
Given the flaws of a purely fiat currency, alternative ideas have emerged to improve our monetary system. One such concept is the notion of a decentralised digital currency, like cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, operate on a decentralised network, offering transparency, security, and potential stability through innovative technologies like blockchain. But now the government want to create their own digital currency, could this lead to danger in the sense of losing cash, turning to all digital, and will we need verification by the “god-like” system where if they disagree with a certain purchase, they could STOP our money from reaching the things we wish to buy, all because it could be based on the digital details they have about us? It’s a thought to expand on, but we should save that for a blog for itself!
Embracing Money for Our Benefit:
Rather than shying away from discussions about money, we should actively engage in understanding its role and seeking ways to utilise it for our collective well-being. Money, when used wisely, can facilitate economic growth, innovation, and social progression. It empowers individuals to invest, create businesses, and support charitable acts for themselves. Without learning about money, how could we help ourselves OR others if we stayed money dumb?
Education and Financial Literacy:
Enhancing financial literacy is crucial to ensure individuals make informed decisions about money. Education on personal finance, investment strategies, and responsible spending can help people to navigate the complexities of the financial world. If we know more about topics we didn’t know previously, surely, this is what gets us to the next level? I like to think so! You could begin by watching my book review on THIS book about money.
Promoting Ethical and Sustainable Investments:
We should encourage the adoption of ethical and sustainable investment practices. It’s a topic no-one gets taught in school, because the teachers themselves don’t do it, so how COULD they teach their students this? By aligning financial decisions with social and environmental values, we can contribute to positive change while still benefiting from the monetary system.
So…. While the introduction of printed currency and the shift away from the gold standard brought its challenges, we have the opportunity to reevaluate and improve our monetary system. Could keeping cash circulated help those save or spend responsibly? Could CBDC’s (central bank digital currency) ruin lives in the future? Do you want to start investing to help out your older future self? By embracing alternative ideas, enhancing financial literacy, and promoting responsible financial practices, we can harness the potential of money for our collective prosperity. Let’s engage in open discussions, change the conversation on money, and work towards a system that aligns with our values and drives positive change.

Rethinking Education: Embracing Self-Education for a Brighter Future

The traditional schooling system has long been a cornerstone of our society. However, as we step into the 21st century, it is becoming increasingly clear that this system is showing signs of being outdated. The world is changing rapidly, and our educational approach must adapt to empower individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. It’s time to explore the power of self-education and redefine how we acquire knowledge.

The Limitations of the Traditional Schooling System:
The conventional schooling system follows a standardised curriculum, focusing on memorisation, conformity, and one-size-fits-all teaching methods. Unfortunately, this approach often neglects individual interests, learning styles, and the development of critical thinking skills. Students are confined within the boundaries of textbooks and classroom walls, missing out on the wealth of knowledge and experiences beyond.
Embracing Self-Education:
Self-education, on the other hand, places the learner at the centre of their educational journey. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own learning, follow their passions, and pursue knowledge beyond the constraints of a formal institution. With the advent of technology and the internet, we now have access to a vast array of resources, online courses, and communities that facilitate self-education.
Nurturing Curiosity and Lifelong Learning:
Self-education fosters curiosity, a fundamental trait that fuels intellectual growth. By allowing individuals to explore their interests freely, it ignites a lifelong love for learning. When we pursue knowledge driven by our intrinsic motivation, we unlock our full potential and develop a genuine thirst for understanding the world around us.
Adapting to a Changing World:
The world is transforming at an unprecedented pace. Technological advancements, economic shifts, and societal changes are shaping the landscape we live in. To thrive in this dynamic environment, we need to cultivate adaptable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration. Self-education empowers individuals to actively engage with real-world challenges, enabling them to navigate and contribute meaningfully to the society of tomorrow.
Unlocking Personalised Learning:
Every individual has unique strengths, passions, and learning styles. Self-education recognises and embraces these differences, allowing learners to tailor their educational experiences to suit their needs. Whether through online courses, mentorship programs, or hands-on projects, self-education enables personalised learning journeys that maximise individual growth and fulfilment.
So while the traditional schooling system has served us well in the past, it is time to recognise its limitations and embrace a new paradigm of education. Self-education offers a path to lifelong learning, personalised growth, and adaptability in an ever-changing world. By encouraging individuals to become active architects of their own knowledge, we can usher in a future where education is not confined to classrooms but accessible to all, empowering individuals to pursue their passions and shape their own destinies. Let us embrace the power of self-education and embark on a transformative journey of knowledge, growth, and self-discovery.

Celebrating Free Speech & Broadened Perspectives: Insights from Ricky Gervais, Karl Pilkington, and Stephen Merchant

For those who know me, you’ll be aware of my love for these three chaps. Their television shows, the famous podcasts they did, and even the XFM shows that resurfaced a few years ago are enough to make you giggle in your sleep. But it is all three of them that hold a wider perspective for life that I picked up on by listening to all of their content they’ve put out through the years, and it made me think this:
In a world where opinions can be divisive and discourse often constrained, it is refreshing to encounter individuals who embrace free speech and open-mindedness. Ricky Gervais, Karl Pilkington, and Stephen Merchant are notable figures who have shared their unique perspectives, reminding us of the value of free expression and the power of broadening our minds through exploration.
Ricky Gervais – Unleashing Free Speech:
Ricky Gervais, the renowned comedian and actor, is known for his unfiltered opinions and fearless approach to comedy. Comedy that can be taken the wrong way that is… But Gervais champions free speech and highlights the importance of allowing diverse voices to be heard. He believes that even if we disagree with certain ideas, open dialogue fosters intellectual growth, challenges societal norms, and encourages critical thinking.
Karl Pilkington – A Quirky Worldview:
Karl Pilkington, a close collaborator of Gervais, possesses a unique and often eccentric perspective on the world. While his ideas may sometimes be unconventional, Pilkington’s open-mindedness shines through which is why he had the ideas around going to Mars before Elon Musk, he had the thought about future Mission Impossible films before they decided it was a money making franchise, and he shocked us with how he predicted large germs getting to shutdown the world in 2020. (YES, he really did! I did a video on that which you can find HERE) His willingness to question conventional wisdom prompts us to consider alternative viewpoints and challenge our preconceived notions. Karl reminds us that embracing different perspectives can lead to new insights and a richer understanding of the world. (I suppose “An Idiot Abroad” really did open his mind whilst he travelled, huh?)
Stephen Merchant – Broadening Horizons through Travel:
Stephen Merchant, another creative partner of Gervais, believes that travel broadens the mind. Exploring new cultures, interacting with diverse communities, and encountering unfamiliar perspectives can be transformative. Merchant emphasises that by stepping outside our comfort zones and immersing ourselves in different environments, we gain a broader understanding of humanity, fostering empathy and appreciation for the diverse tapestry of the world.
Wisdom through Collective Insights:
The wisdom shared by Gervais, Pilkington, and Merchant converges on the importance of free speech and open-mindedness. Free speech allows for the exchange of ideas, enabling intellectual growth and societal progress. Open mindedness, as exhibited by Pilkington and Merchant, encourages us to embrace alternative viewpoints, challenge our assumptions, and foster a more inclusive and compassionate world.
So… My Conclusion:
In a world that can sometimes feel divided, the perspectives of Ricky Gervais, Karl Pilkington, and Stephen Merchant remind us of the power of free speech and the value of open-minded exploration. By engaging in honest and respectful dialogue, challenging our own beliefs, and embracing diverse perspectives, we can cultivate a society that thrives on intellectual growth, empathy, and understanding. Let us celebrate free speech and the beauty of broadened perspectives, following the wisdom shared by these inspiring individuals.
#rickygervais #stephenmerchant #karlpilkington

Celebrating the Art of Cancelling Plans

In a world that often glorifies a busy lifestyle and constant socialising, it’s important to recognise and respect the power of self-improvement. We live in a time where cancelling plans to focus on personal growth and self-care is not just acceptable but commendable. So, let’s dive into the beauty of cancelling plans to read, skipping a party for the gym, and staying home to cook. In this short yet fun blog, we’ll celebrate the unique joy and simplicity that comes from prioritising ourselves and our well-being.


1. Cancelling Plans to Read: A Journey through Words:
In a world filled with distractions, carving out time to dive into the enchanting world of books is a delightful act of self-improvement. Whether it’s a thrilling novel, an insightful self-help book (my favourite), or a captivating autobiography, cancelling plans to read allows us to explore new perspectives, expand our knowledge, and indulge in the simple pleasure of getting lost in a story. So, go ahead, let the pages transport you to new realms and embrace the joy of cancelling plans for a literary adventure.
(Go to my YouTube channel for all my book reviews and recommendations)
2. Skipping a Party for the Gym: Nurturing Your Mind and Body:
While parties are fun and socialising is important, there are times when putting our physical and mental well-being takes the top spot in our life. Hitting the gym or engaging in any form of exercise not only benefits our physical health but also releases endorphins, boosts our mood, and reduces stress. So, don’t feel guilty about skipping a party to focus on your fitness goals. Embrace the opportunity to strengthen your body, clear your mind, and invest in self-improvement, one workout at a time.
3. Staying Home to Cook: A Feast for the Senses:
There’s something truly magical about cooking a delicious meal from scratch. We used to avoid it, but I believe it has become more important now than ever to home cook our foods! Rather than rushing out for takeout or dining at a restaurant, staying home to cook offers an avenue for self-expression, creativity, and mindfulness. It allows us to connect with our food, experiment with flavours, and nourish ourselves in a wholesome way. We also know what goes into it when we do it ourselves! So, let go of the pressure to always be on the go and relish the joy of cancelling plans to create a culinary masterpiece that not only tantalises your taste buds but also nourishes your soul.
To conclude, in a world that often demands our constant presence and engagement, cancelling plans for the sake of self-improvement is not just okay, but necessary. Embracing the art of cancelling plans to read, skipping a party for the gym, or staying home to cook brings forth unique joys and opportunities for personal growth. So, let’s encourage and respect these acts of self-care, allowing ourselves the freedom to prioritise our well-being, embrace simplicity, and discover the extraordinary in the everyday. Remember, sometimes the most meaningful journeys start with cancelling plans and focusing on ourselves.
Thanks for reading! If you want more from me, be sure to head over to my YouTube channel where I post every few days with my thoughts on what is happening in this world we call home!

Embracing the Miraculous: Celebrating Life’s Improbable Odds

Every day, as we go about our lives, it’s easy to overlook the incredible fact that we are alive. The journey from conception to birth is a remarkable and awe-inspiring process, with odds stacked against us at every step. In this blog, I want us to explore the astonishing probability of our existence and the beauty of embracing the gift of life.
Consider this: the chances of any one of us being born are estimated to be around 400 trillion to one. That’s an astronomical number, difficult to truly comprehend. Think of it as winning an unimaginable cosmic lottery. The combination of specific genetic traits, the timing of conception, and countless other factors had to align perfectly for each of us to come into existence.
From the earliest stages of development, the journey to life is beset with obstacles. The meeting of an egg and a sperm, among countless possibilities, had to happen for each of us. Then, through the intricate process of fertilisation, cell division, and implantation, a single fertilised egg developed into a complex human being. Each step along the way presented a myriad of challenges, and yet, against all odds, here we are.
Realising the remarkable odds that brought us into existence invites us to appreciate the preciousness of life. We are the fortunate beneficiaries of a cosmic anomaly, a rare occurrence that defies logic. The mere fact that we have the opportunity to experience the world, to love, to learn, and to grow is an extraordinary gift.
To find meaning: Understanding the improbable nature of our existence can inspire us to find meaning in our lives. We have beaten inconceivable odds, and that realisation can infuse our days with a sense of purpose. We have the power to make our time on this planet meaningful, to leave a positive impact, and to cherish every moment as an extraordinary opportunity.
Gratitude and Wonder: Let us embrace a mindset of gratitude and wonder, recognising the inherent value of our existence. We are part of a grand tapestry of life, beautifully woven together by the forces of chance and circumstance. Each day is an opportunity to marvel at the beauty of the world, to cherish our relationships, and to make the most of this incredible gift we have been given.
The improbable odds of our existence, at 400 trillion to one, should fill us with awe and appreciation for the remarkable journey we are on. We are the lucky few who have defied the cosmic lottery, defying the odds to be alive. Let us carry this awareness with us, embracing each day with gratitude, finding meaning in our experiences, and cherishing the wonder of life.
(Note: The probability figures mentioned in this blog are approximate estimates and intended for illustrative purposes)
Find me on YouTube, Twitter (X), and Instagram: @JustDean365

Investing in Yourself: The Path to a Fulfilling Life

In the journey of life, we often find ourselves consumed by external demands and obligations. However, it is crucial to recognise the significance of investing in ourselves — mentally, physically, and spiritually. By prioritising self-care, personal growth, and building valuable assets, we can shape our own destinies and create a fulfilling and well-rounded life.
Investing Mentally: Nurturing the Mind:
Our mental well-being is paramount to living a meaningful life. Investing mentally involves continuous learning, expanding our knowledge, and developing new skills. Reading books, pursuing educational opportunities, and engaging in stimulating activities not only broaden our horizons but also enhance our ability to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world. Nurturing our minds empowers us to make informed decisions, think critically, and pursue our passions with confidence.
Investing Physically: Honouring the Body:
Our bodies are the vessels that carry us through life’s journey. I was only thinking the other day how our body is literally just like a car for our brain to get about the place. Like a car, we should maintain it, look after it, and be sure to wash it too! Investing in our physical health enables us to experience vitality and longevity. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient rest contribute to our overall well-being. By prioritising physical fitness and self-care, we increase our energy levels, boost resilience, and enhance our quality of life. Taking ownership of our health empowers us to pursue our dreams and aspirations with vigour.
Investing Spiritually: Cultivating Inner Growth:
Beyond the physical and mental realms, investing in our spiritual well-being nurtures our inner selves. Spiritual growth involves finding meaning and purpose in life, connecting with something greater than ourselves, and nurturing our inner values and beliefs. Practising mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in activities that foster inner peace and reflection helps us cultivate self-awareness, resilience, and a deeper sense of fulfilment.
Investing in Assets: Building a Strong Foundation:
In addition to investing in ourselves personally, it is essential to recognise the importance of investing in financial assets. By wisely managing our finances, saving for the future, and exploring investment opportunities, we build a strong foundation for financial stability and independence. Securing our financial well-being provides the freedom to pursue our passions, take calculated risks, and create a life that aligns with our aspirations.
Taking Responsibility for Our Lives:
Ultimately, investing in ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially requires a fundamental recognition: we are responsible for our own lives. While external factors may influence us, we have the power to shape our destiny. By taking ownership of our choices, actions, and personal growth, we break free from the limitations imposed by others. Embracing this responsibility empowers us to create the life we desire and deserve.
So, overall, investing in ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and financially is a lifelong journey. By nurturing our minds, honouring our bodies, and cultivating our spirits, we unlock our full potential and experience a more fulfilling existence. Remember, nobody else is responsible for our lives. The power to shape our destiny lies within us. Let us commit to investing in ourselves and embrace the transformational journey of self-discovery, growth, and personal empowerment.
If you liked this, make sure to subscribe to this blog, as it means a lot to me that you get something from my writing. Many thanks!
Connect with me on:
YouTube, Twitter and Instagram/Threads – @justdean365

Finding Serenity and Stepping Stones: My Japanese Garden Experience

Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting a captivating Japanese Garden, an oasis of tranquillity nestled within a bustling town. As I strolled through its serene pathways and observed the meticulously designed landscapes, I found myself drawn into a world that fostered a deeper understanding of meditation and its significance. While I personally don’t practice meditation, the garden offered me a glimpse into the reasons why so many people find solace in this ancient practice.
As I entered the garden, I couldn’t help but notice the well-placed stepping stones that meandered through a tranquil water feature. With each careful step, I found myself captivated by the rhythmic sounds of flowing water and the feeling of connection to the earth beneath my feet. It reminded me of the TV show Takeshi’s Castle, where contestants would navigate challenging courses, often crossing stepping stones. These stones, however, were a gentle invitation to slow down and embrace the present moment.
Walking along those stepping stones, I pondered the purpose of meditation and why it resonates with so many people. In the Japanese Garden, every element was intentionally designed to inspire tranquil moments and encourage mindfulness. The meticulously pruned trees, the tidy well placed garden, and the meditative sound of water flowing were all elements that spoke to the power of stillness and introspection. I realised that meditation offers individuals an opportunity to disconnect from the chaos of daily life, finding solace in the present moment and nurturing a sense of inner peace.
One peculiar thought crossed my mind as I continued my journey through the garden. I couldn’t help but draw a connection between the stepping stones and the TV show Takeshi’s Castle. Also lots of red flowers reminding me of the red helmets they used to wear on that show. In Japan, the colour red is often seen as a symbol of luck and is known for its association with inner power and strength. The participants’ red helmets on the show represented not only their courage to face the challenges but also their inner fortitude to overcome them. But I find metaphor in that too, because the symbols of which we believe bring us luck is within our own imaginations. It made me think about how we create our own luck in life, which all stemmed from the TV show I watched when I got back from school! Random, but there’s a connection there (I hope).
My visit to the Japanese Garden provided me with a unique perspective on meditation and its significance in our fast-paced world. While I may not actively engage in the practice myself, I discovered that the purpose of meditation extends beyond individual preference. The garden’s carefully crafted environment and the symbolic stepping stones reminded me of the value of finding moments of stillness and reflection amidst the chaos of life. Just as the red helmets in Takeshi’s Castle represented luck and inner power, the Japanese Garden served as a visual reminder that serenity can be found even in the most unexpected places.
In this busy world, a visit to a Japanese Garden can be a gentle reminder to pause, breathe, and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, both externally and within ourselves. It allows us to tap into our inner strength and embrace the sense of calm and balance that meditation offers.
Want to see my visit to the gardens? I did a vlog of it over on my YouTube channel, so don’t forget to subscribe over there too!