The Puzzle of Life: Lessons Learned Piece by Piece

For Christmas, Amy bought me a puzzle. She knows I’m a big fan of David Bowie, so of course, when she laid eyes on a very unique “Where’s Bowie” puzzle, she could not resist getting it for me.
Recently, we got it out one Saturday to begin putting the pieces together. And I was thinking while doing it how we were about to get a small journey filled with valuable life lessons. Here’s what lessons we learnt:

1. Persistence and Patience: As we sifted through the jumble of puzzle pieces, searching for the right fit, we quickly realised that solving the puzzle would require both persistence and patience. Each piece required careful consideration and trial-and-error, teaching us the importance of perseverance in the face of challenges. And also, a top tip… Begin doing the edges of the puzzle first!

2. Problem Solving: With each piece we placed, we honed our problem-solving skills. We analysed shapes, colours, and small spiders from mars… (Remember, it’s David Bowie related!) Piecing together the larger picture one fragment at a time. It reminded us that in life, challenges can often be overcome by approaching them with a methodical and analytical mindset. It also helps with perspectives.

3. Different Perspectives: As we sorted through the puzzle pieces, we found ourselves examining them from different perspectives, wondering “is that Ziggy Stardust, or is that Major Tom?” – How each one would fit into the larger picture. It served as a powerful reminder that embracing diverse perspectives can lead to new insights and solutions, both in puzzles and in life.

4. An important one… Embracing Imperfections: Not every puzzle piece will fit perfectly on the first try, and that was okay. I was forever trying to make a piece fit that clearly didn’t go into the same slot. It wasn’t even the same shape! But we learned to embrace imperfections and appreciate the beauty of the puzzle’s complexity. It taught us that life, like a jigsaw puzzle, is full of imperfections, and it’s often these imperfections that make the journey worth it.

5. Teamwork: As Amy and I worked together to solve the puzzle, we experienced the true meaning of teamwork. By pulling together our strengths and collaborating effectively, we achieved more together than we ever could have alone. If I did it alone, I reckon I’d still be sat there now instead of writing this blog! It reinforced the notion that in life, success is often a collective effort, and together, we can overcome even the toughest of challenges.

6. Celebrating Small Wins: With each piece we put in, we celebrated a small victory— a corner completed, a section filled in. David Bowie’s characters began to take shape. It reminded us of the importance of celebrating progress too, because no matter how small, it’s important to celebrate what you achieve. In life, it’s often the small victories that ultimately lead to the bigger picture.

As we placed the final piece of the puzzle, we looked upon the completed picture with a sense of accomplishment. I haven’t done a puzzle in years, so this was a real effort on my part. Our journey together through the puzzle though had taught us valuable lessons about persistence, problem-solving, perspective, imperfection, teamwork, and the importance of celebrating small wins. And as we look back on our Saturday evening, we realised that the puzzle of LIFE is not so different from the jigsaw puzzle at all. Both require patience, determination, and a willingness to piece it all together, one little piece at a time!


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