Karl Pilkington ADMITS Stephen Merchant HELPED broaden his mind

In Multiple videos & podcasts with Karl Pilkington, Stephen Merchant and Ricky Gervais, you will find Stephen has always said how important it is to broaden the mind with travel. I had some free time not to long ago where I catch up on my podcasts that I’ve been meaning to get through. One ofContinue reading “Karl Pilkington ADMITS Stephen Merchant HELPED broaden his mind”

Being mindful DOESN’T have to involve meditation

Mindfulness isn’t about meditation, but it’s all about educating yourself by reading and informing your brain with the knowledge in books. The ones that have helped me change the way I think most are in the self-help category. Even if you don’t enjoy reading… It doesn’t matter. You still have to get there by pickingContinue reading “Being mindful DOESN’T have to involve meditation”