Karl Pilkington can teach us SO much!

I write this on my visit to Amsterdam, the place of good times, chilled vibes but also a place that has a very famous house. It was the hometown of Anne Frank. For lack of description to best describe Anne Frank, I’m going to share a recording of Karl Pilkington telling us what he knows of Anne as he gets questioned on why her diary got famous.
Naivety though is within us all. We don’t know everything about the world, but that’s where I think the importance of learning is what we can take away from Karl in that particular clip. It’s okay to not know everything. Heck, we would look even more of an idiot if we pretended to know it all. But this is where learning comes in.

You see, Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant used Karl’s lack of knowledge to get the best out of someone with their answers to questions he clearly didn’t really know, but his common sense played heavily in his confidence with some of his answers. And sometimes confidence in ourselves can play a massive role in our next step in life.

When we don’t have the answers, our confidence within ourselves can shine brighter than that of knowing what the real answer could be. I mean, Karl has a point about playing along with quiz shows on TV by sticking with one answer knowing that eventually the question that fits it will pop up.

BUT that’s what life is all about. We aren’t going to know all that there is of life, but when we are open to learning new things and having the confidence to look stupid by ASKING questions, we open our horizon to getting the information that we lack. And this allows us to not just accept what we are told to believe…(monkey news springs to mind) But then we have the real potential to grow from our own naivety.

With Steve’s approach to telling Karl to question things instead of just believing that everything were true, we too can take that as solid advice to grow from.
With Ricky’s outlook on finding all the facts before we believe what we are told about ANYTHING, we can use that to do our own investigations on things that don’t quite seem right to us.

And with Karl’s common sense, you’ll get to take on board the importance of learning through any means that you can, all the while holding your own confidence to question different thoughts and to use your newly found information to create a new perspective on something you once were oblivious to.

Funny to think really, how Karl questioned Anne Frank on ‘what did she do’, when Karl has openly questioned it to himself what it is that he does for the world.

And I’ve come to a conclusion… Karl fails sometimes to see his own purpose, but he’s been a voice of reason, hes a lovable character within his own right, and he’s brought joy to hundreds of thousands of people..all around the globe. And for that, we love him.

Karl in my eyes is a national treasure. And I for one am thankful that we have the pleasure knowing that we get to exist at the same time as the legend that is…. Karl Pilkington

If you got anything from this, be sure to like this blog and subscribe to them too as I do more content around the three boys, as well as many other blogs over on my page.

Thanks for reading

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